Friday, December 19, 2008

NOW is the Time to Get a Home Loan!

Mortgage rates have dropped AGAIN and are at their lowest point in generations.

If you have been on the fence about buying or refinancing a home, now is the time to act.

Interest rates are at their lowest since the 1960s and home prices in some areas are at 2003-2004 levels. Add to that recent declines in energy prices and lower consumer interest rates, and you have a great holiday recipe for success.

In many markets, falling prices are bringing out buyers who have been waiting patiently to buy, and now they are scooping up great bargains and hot properties.

Don’t wait until next week. Call me today to get pre-approved. Rates have been very volatile and this great opportunity might not survive the holidays!

Whether you are looking to buy or ref
inance, I am here to help.

Don’t wait - contact me today!

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